
Kamigamo Jinja Shrine Kyoto Japan 2012 Jan 04

World Cultural Heritage

It is fine clear day. I wish this year will be fine.

Holly horse. Is he carry God ?

2nd. gate (torii).

 Offering pickles.

Pickles make like this.

God's landing zone.

Offering Sake (rice wine) 

God will be drank, sure ! 

Cleaning hands with well water. This water is tasty too. 

Fortune teller tubes.

This stone bridge passed 1,000 years.

Devil breaker arrow. 

Entering pray zone.

Wish my best.

But, result depends on luck ? 

Never give up.

So many wishes.


God's sake (rice wine) Price is donation.

After drink God's sake , I see the light !

camera  Panasonic LUMIX FX77

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