World Cultural Heritage
Washing hands by holly stream.
Long line up for well water , well water is warmer than stream.
Put in last year's charm.
Fresh decoration for new year.
Entering Big Torii gate.
Warm up with log wood fire.
Fire keepers wear 1000 years before of fashion.
Beautiful main gate.
Find Miko (virgin girl worker).
This shrine's icon.
Entering main gate.
This year's icon Dragon welcome to you.
Peoples offer rice cake, sake, etc.
Dance stage is ready.
One of God landing place.
Gate of pray zone.
Breaking devil arrow, and wishing board.
Fortune teller. Taking out one stick from small hole of box,
then change to number paper.
Tagging on those strings.
After praying , drink hot sweet rice wine.
almost non alcohol.
Going back front approach , Here are many stalls.
"Mommy, I want to play."
Snack stalls. yam yam.
Traditional pickles stalls.
Go to next enjoyment.
camera Panasonic LUMIX FX77
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